Monday, February 6, 2017

Iran regime, the Godfather of Islamic extremism

The mullahs' nuclear criminal and seek

The mullahs' nuclear criminal and seek

American Thinker, Feb. 2, 2017 -
Iran was involved in a long slate of
aggressive measures up to the very
doorsteps of President Donald Trump
taking the helm in Washington. This
concerning pattern of escalating
extremism ironically increased
following the Iran nuclear deal
sealed between the P5+1 and Tehran,
despite many in the West arguing
such an accord would rein in the
mullahs. And now, a new U.S.
president has rightfully pinpointed
“radical Islamic terrorists,” of
which the root lies in Iran.

Further to the mullahs’ advantage
was the Obama administration’s
reluctance to adopt any serious
stance against Iran running its
Shiite extremist rampage across the
region. Obama’s White House only
imposed sanctions considered
anything but harsh.
This paved the path for Iran to
unleash its Shiite puppets and
proxies throughout the region,
cementing sectarian strife and as a
result pushing more Sunni youth to
join ISIS and other radicals.
Obama’s nuclear deal, with all its
flaws made evidently clear, only
placed speed bumps in Iran’s quest
for the bomb. This came at the heavy
price of America losing the trust of
its regional allies, disheartening
them also in their efforts against
Iran-supported terrorism in their
President Donald Trump has
rightfully pinpointed the root of
all crises in the Middle East.

“We will reinforce old alliances and
form new ones -- and unite the
civilized world against radical
Islamic terrorism, which we will
eradicate completely from the face
of the Earth,” he said.

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