Saturday, December 24, 2016

The birth of Jesus, the prophet of love and freedom Happy

The first words of Jesus after his birth:

The first words of Jesus after his birth:

The first words of Jesus after his birth:

Bremen Hello, I Khzadh day, the day I die and the day I am raised up again.

Jesus Christ is the heavenly message that message of freedom and a message of hope and brightness brothers

His companions and his followers, dedication Bhfdakary
Calls for freedom, peace and justice, saying:

Everyone remembered my name, home or
Brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands left, will hundredfold
And will inherit eternal life.

Words of Jesus
The Spirit of God is in me, because he hath anointed me to preach the good news to the poor, and sent me to
Broken heart to heal and redemption of captives and sight to the blind, and I preached to
Compaction deliver
Blessed far working for justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "

"He who is greatest among you be the servant of yours and everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles
Is proud to be ...

Ling  continuation

Friday, December 23, 2016

- Morteza Moradpour can no longer walk after 59 days of hunger strike. He is suffering from serious liver and kidney illnesses. He has fainted many times during the past few days and may suffer a heart attack, go into a coma or even lose his life at any moment. He launched his hunger strike protesting being deprived of a fair judicial process in the mullahs’ so-called “courts.”

National Council of Resistance of Iran

National Council of Resistance of Iran

The Iranian Resistance warns of political prisoners currently facing death following long hunger strikes, and calls on all international human rights organizations, especially the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to take urgent and effective action to save their lives. The inhumane mullahs’ regime is depriving these prisoners of their most basic rights, recognized even under the regime’s own laws.
- Amongst the inmates held in ward 8 of Tehran’s Evin Prison Arash Sadeghi is currently in critical condition following a 60-day hunger strike. He has lost 19 kilograms of his weight and suffering from severe physical fatigue, abnormal heart rate, chronic breathing, and kidney and intestinal problems. He was transferred to Evin’s clinic on Wednesday morning, yet returned to the ward due to dire conditions and refusing to receive any serum.

Ling  continuation

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Khamenei is a viper Khtrnak-Khamenei and Qasem Soleimani, the Syrian people are killers

Khamenei is a viper Khtrnak
Khamenei is a viper Khtrnak
Khamenei and Qasem Soleimani, the Syrian people are killers

This Pasdadan criminals should be deported from Syria

Khamenei is a viper Khtrnak
Soleimani’s visit to Syria is viewed as a sign that Iran is not worried about facing repercussions for its continued military presence in Syria in support of embattled leader Bashar al-Assad.

Iran has breached international laws for some time without facing consequences. The Obama administration repeatedly assured Congress it would enforce sanctions on Iran when lawmakers expressed doubt about the viability of the Iran nuclear deal.

The absence of consequences for Irans behavior has paved the way for Hezbollah to stake its own claim in Syria, according to congressional and foreign policy insiders who told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration is working behind the scenes to prevent any new sanctions against Iran

Ling Read more

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Aleppo alone Yigit displaced people is a crime against humanity

Truly man is the difference?

Truly man is the difference?

Vhshanyt velayat-e faqih criminal, anti-human!

Caring and responsible human beings against humanity!

Truly man is the difference?

Or the ephemeral world for power and the right of others to eat and crime?!

Or is it the world of good and evil and human laboratory for recognition of human rights?!

Syria war criminal Bynadgray whether Khamenei is losing or winning?!

The truth must be said that those in Syria blood unjustly shed the innocent people and innocent children, and people were displaced, according to Human Rights loser and a brutal dictator, and the unpopularity in human history have

The winner of this unequal fight rebels in Syria who rushed to the heart to help people and to fight opportunistic criminals.

Aleppo alone Yigit displaced people is a crime against humanity

The state of human rights is to support the Syrian people got up and put an end to this injustice and crime.

This is the demand of all the people of Syria and the Middle East.

The truth always wins

Injustice, crime and injustice is forever destroyed.

Peace be upon those who help the Syrian people rushed in this unequal battle !.
Death to Khamenei dictator Bashar al-Assad of Syria

Read more Ling Turkey

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Homeless and displacement and destruction is enough !.

Rulers fanatical terrorism in Iran and the Middle East, create crime

Rulers fanatical terrorism in Iran and the Middle East, create crime

Fanatical mullah terrorism-

For its own survival،

The whole world ablaze!

Rulers fanatical terrorism in Iran and the Middle East, create crime

Iranian people and the people of the area, want to topple the mullahs are fundamentalists

Killing and war is no longer enough

Homeless and displacement and destruction is enough !.

How long should we see this genocide?!.

Other governments should be watchful for the killings

It is time to act

The cry of the oppressed Reply

Respect for the rights of people !.

Is aware of the desire of all people!

Ling  continuation