Saturday, October 15, 2016

Iranian# university closed by government after it prints# image of opposition# leader Maryam Rajavi#

A student group in a major university in Iran was closed after printing Maryam Rajavi’s image in its list of university alumni

A student group in a major university in Iran was closed after printing Maryam Rajavi’s image in its list of university alumni

 The Media Express, October 10, 2016 - The Iranian government closed down the Society of Graduates in Sharif University of Technology, one of the most important technological establishments in Iran, after it published a photo of Maryam Rajavi , the president-elect of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI), in its most recent book listing former graduates.

The portrait of Mrs. Rajavi, who was featured in the section listing the graduates of the Faculty of Metallurgy Engineering, was accompanied by a text describing her as the “number one enemy” of the Islamic Republic.
“As soon as we were informed of the distribution of a number of this publication among the students,” said University President Hamod Fotohi, “we ordered its further distribution to be blocked.” All the copies that had already been distributed were collected and transferred to the school’s Herasat Office (a department found in most Iranian universities that is tied to the Ministry of Intelligence and the security apparatus).
“We seized the activity of the Society of Graduates,” said Fotohi. “[They] must be held accountable for what they have done. We will follow up to find out why this has happened.  We will certainly deal with those responsible for printing of the photo and the publication of the book.” Fotoho added that the Ministry of Intelligence would be involved in the follow-up investigation.

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Friday, October 14, 2016

MEK# protest the murder of 30,000 by the Ayatollah regime at Parliament Hill#1988Massacre#Iran#FreeIran

Supporters of the MEK demonstrated in Canada Parliament Hill

Supporters of the MEK demonstrated in Canada Parliament Hill

The Rebel, Oct. 11, 2016 - Recent revelations have shown that the regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in Iran, murdered 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 some of who's sentences where complete or near completion.
The National Post has this story which gives a careful account by one of the few survivors of this purge.
Yesterday, at Parliament Hill, members of a dissident group called the 'MEK', or 'Mujahideen e Khalq', staged a protest asking the Trudeau Government to demand of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to stop the execution of political prisoners.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Schoolgirls Flogged# in Iran#’s after Failing# to Pay Tuition#

The school was physically punishing female students and expelled them when they failed to pay the tuition.

The school was physically punishing female students and expelled them when they failed to pay the tuition.

London- There has been widespread anger on social media after a video was circulated showing Baluchi schoolgirls from the Kerman province in southeast Iran being flogged after failing to pay their tuition fees.
In the video, girls speaking the Farsi language with Baluchi accent explained in detail how each of them was flogged eight times by the school principal for being unable to pay the fees due to poverty.
Iranian websites had showed the video, saying the accident happened at a school in the city of Rudbar Jonubi, which is inhabited by the Baluchies.
A Baluchi Activist told Asharq Al-Awsat that the accident happened after schools in the area started demanding from parents an amount of money that students in this very poor area were unable to pay. He said the school was physically punishing female students and expelled them when they failed to pay the tuition.
“The students’ parents asserted that the school had expelled their children after they failed to pay the tuition fees,” the activist said, adding that the Iranian websites did not reveal the identity of the girls and did not mention they were Baluchies.
The circulation of the video coincided with the International Day of The Girl.

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Monday, October 10, 2016

Iran#: UN# rights expert# calls for the immediate# release of dual nationals#

UN Human Rights expert calls on Iran to immediately release several dual nationals

UN Human Rights expert calls on Iran to immediately release several dual nationals

GENEVA, United Nations headqarters (7 October 2016) – United Nations Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed called on the Islamic Republic of Iran for the immediate and unconditional release of a British-Iranian national sentenced to five-years in prison for charges unknown to her, and two elderly dual nationals who are suffering from serious health conditions that require urgent and adequate medical attention.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was arrested on 3 April 2016 along with her 22 months old daughter. The authorities confiscated their passports, preventing her daughter from traveling back to the UK to be with her father. On 14 August, Ms. Zaghari-Ratcliffe was tried, on secret charges, in a Tehran revolutionary court and, on 6 September, she was convicted and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. She was only able to meet her lawyer three days before the beginning of her trial. Her health has also seriously deteriorated since her arrest.
“Sentencing individuals for charges that are kept secret from defendants and their defence lawyers is a mockery of justice,” Mr. Shaheed said. “It is also evidence of the Iranian judiciary’s complete disregard for the most basic fair trial and due process guarantees enshrined both in Iranian domestic laws and the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights, to which Iran is a State party.”
“The Iranian authorities should immediately and unconditionally release Ms. Zaghari-Ratcliffe,” the Special Rapporteur urged, noting that the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has recently declared the deprivation of liberty of Zaghari-Ratcliffe arbitrary.
The UN human rights experts also expressed concerns about the health of two other dual nationals, Mr. Baquer Namazi and Mr. Kamal Foroughi, who are currently incarcerated in Evin prison. 

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