Thursday, December 14, 2017

More than 30,000 Iranians of all walks of life have signed a petition addressed to United Nations Secretary General António Guterres calling for an independent investigation into the 1988 massacre of thousands of political prisoners in Iran.

30,000 Iranians sign UN petition seeking inquiry into 1988 massacre

30,000 Iranians sign UN petition seeking inquiry into 1988 massacre

The signatories to the petition are all based inside Iran, according to the organisers of the signature campaign, the 1988 Truth group.
“The 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran is the most extensive killing of political prisoners since World War II”, 1988 Truth said in a statement on 10 December 2017, coinciding with International Human Rights Day. It added that the majority of the victims were affiliated to the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI or MEK).

The petition text added: “Most of those executed were youths imprisoned for taking part in peaceful street demonstrations and/or reading the opposition’s political publications, and many had already served their time behind bars. These prisoners were executed in groups and then buried in mass graves”.

“From the first day of the Islamic Republic’s establishment, the perpetrators of this massacre have served in the highest political, judicial and security posts. While defending this crime against humanity, they are continuing such killings and executions as we speak”.

“We the signatories are asking you, through the UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in Iran, the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly to establish an ‘independent committee’ to fully investigate this massacre. This entity should be obligated to collect all documents related to this crime against humanity, along with the names of all the perpetrators, in order to have justice served in this regard”, the petition added.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The real image Earlier this year Amnesty International’s 94-page report, “Caught in a web of repression: Iran’s human rights defenders under attack,” detailed this regime’s drastic human rights violations, with a specific focus on its extensive overdose of executions.

Iran: From human rights violations to dangerous meddling

Iran: From human rights violations to dangerous meddling

As witnessed for years running, Iran is the world’s leading executioner per capita, with many hangings continuously and horrendously carried out in public. All the while, secret executions are ongoing in dungeons across the country, including Tehran’s infamous Evin Prison.

This is the real image of Iran, cloaked by the ruling regime and their appeasers in the West for years, who continue to portray Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani as a moderate worth dealing with.
ANALYSIS: Does the Middle East’s stability hinge on Iran’s expulsion?
Rouhani heads a corrupt system responsible for executing around 3,500 people, and counting, from 2013 to this day. 350 such counts have been registered this year alone.

Iran lacks anything even remotely comparable to a justice system and the current Justice Minister, Alireza Avaie, has been on numerous terrorist lists since 2011 for human rights violations.

Avaie is also known to have played a leading role in the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, consisting of mostly members and supporters of Iran’s main opposition, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Monday, December 11, 2017

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh wrote: “The NCRI [is] in every way an antithesis to the ruling clerics of Iran, and vies for the establishment of a secular and democratic state providing equal opportunities to all its citizens, regardless of faith, gender and ethnicity.”

Biggest Threat to Iran's Regime Is a Tolerant Islam

Biggest Threat to Iran's Regime Is a Tolerant Islam

London, 9 Dec - The Iranian Regime has been facing a range of ever-increasing political and military challenges in the Middle East, particularly the US’s tougher policy on confronting Iranian belligerence and expansionism, but the biggest threat to the Regime is a challenge to its extremist interpretation of Islam, according to a leading Iranian-American political scientist.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, president of the International American Council, wrote an op-ed for the Huffington Post in which he laid out how ideological challenges to the Iranian Regime were destroying its chokehold on power.

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh wrote: “Since the 1979 founding of the Islamic Republic, the Iranian regime’s main weapon has been the demented interpretation of Islam, based on zero-tolerance for other religions, lack of respect of freedoms and the debasing of women. This ideology manifests itself as misogynistic laws and practices, a record number of executions, and brutal torture of its own citizens.

 Tehran has used this extremist ideology to suppress freedom and democracy at home and wreak havoc in neighbouring countries. This has rendered sectarian violence triggered by Iran’s Shiite surrogates in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen, among others, to rampant levels. In a nutshell, the Iranian regime’s extremist ideology has been its shield and armour against foreign and domestic threats. That armour, however, is increasingly showing wear and tear.”

Thankfully, the fanatical interpretation of Islam- which disrespects women and people of other religions- is on its way out. Just last week Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman reaffirmed his promise to reverse Islamic extremism, largely orchestrated by the Regime that has led to groups like ISIS and Hezbollah.
The Regime, of course, even as written evidence of their collaboration with Al Qaeda emerges from the CIA is trying to shift the blame to Saudi Arabia because they disapprove of Prince Salman’s efforts to push back against Iranian sectarianism.