Friday, December 29, 2017

It is worth noting that according to the state-run Tasnim news agency (December 10, 2017), “Missiles and the IRGC Quds Force are the priorities of the new year’s budget”. It becomes evident that the priority of Rouhani’s cabinet is the development of ballistic missiles and meddling in the affairs of neighboring countries not the nationwide crises inside Iran.

Rouhani’s 2018 Budget Plan And The Nationwide Crises In Iran

Rouhani’s 2018 Budget Plan And The Nationwide Crises In Iran

The budget has no place for investment in the industrial and agricultural sector. While according to Rouhani, more than 1.2 million people are added to the workforce every year, the government is doing nothing to provide these people with employment. In addition, every day, the number of unemployed people increases.

 According to the statistics declared by state-run media, each year, the IRGC and its partners smuggle more than $25 billion worth of goods into the country, contributing to the destruction of small workshops and production facilities in Iran.

In most countries of the world, when there are several nationwide crises, the government has to provide specific plans to solve those dilemmas when declaring its yearly budget to the parliament. For instance, if there is an unemployment problem, the government has to allocate a budget for job creation and present a plan to solve the issue. The same goes for other problems, such as water scarcity, pollution, and etc. In all cases, a specific budget must be assigned to fixing those problems.

However, let us see how the Iranian regime is dealing with its nationwide crises. On December 12, 2017, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani introduced his government’s budget to the parliament, which is 1194 trillion Tomans (approx. $340 billion). The budget will be provided through the sale of oil and gas, as well as the heavy taxing of the Iranian people in direct and indirect ways.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Today, addiction and use of drugs are widespread in Iran, particularly among children and students, in Iran. There is a direct correlation between poverty, homelessness and addiction, as children living on the e dge of the cities generally use drugs.

Iran: More than 1,000 drug addicts were arrested in one day

Iran: More than 1,000 drug addicts were arrested in one day

A survey carried out by a drug control group has found that about 2.8 million people are regularly consuming drugs in the country.
The head of a working group on drugs in the Expediency Council, Saeed Safatian, told the official IRNA news agency that the number of drug users might be even higher.

The majority of Iran’s at least 14 million drug users drug users are young men and women. The average age of addiction in Iran has dropped to 13, according to reports published by state media.    However, there are numerous reports of children as young as 3 and 4 who start using drugs along with their addicted parents, and an increasing number of infants who are born with drug addiction.

Disappointingly, the Iranian regime has no short or long-term plans to contain the unbridled spread of addiction especially among the young populace.

Experts argue that easy access to cheap narcotic drugs has contributed to the horrific number of drug addicts in Iran. It is common knowledge that narcotics can be purchased much easier than a loaf of bread.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Our greetings to the Virgin Mary, who endured much suffering and a major test in a dark night before she delivered Jesus, the word of love and hope, the message of rebellion against coercion and deception, and the carol of light and freedom.



Fellow Christian compatriots,

Followers of Jesus Christ around the world,
I would like to extend my sincere congratulations for Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ.
Our greetings to the Virgin Mary, who endured much suffering and a major test in a dark night before she delivered Jesus, the word of love and hope, the message of rebellion against coercion and deception, and the carol of light and freedom.

Someone came to give shelter to the poor and the needy, to be the voice of the oppressed and the light for the eyes of those who immersed in darkness. He gave the power of speech to free peoples who stood up to oppression, evil and wickedness.
Through the message of unity, Jesus taught that, Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Jesus said the secret to a better life was in giving to others, The greatest among you is your servant.

Having learned from his eternal teachings, and inspired by his suffering and perseverance, we found resistance for freedom to be the greatest service to God and our people: the struggle to free the people of Iran and overthrow the mullahs’ religious dictatorship.

Let it be that through the endeavors of the Iranian people and Resistance, and with the grace of God Almighty and the message of Christ, Iran is liberated from the brutality of the peddlers of religion; and the light of freedom and justice shines on our enchained nation and people; may religious discrimination, fundamentalism, and terrorism spread by this regime in the region be replaced with equality, fraternity and peace.