Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Today, addiction and use of drugs are widespread in Iran, particularly among children and students, in Iran. There is a direct correlation between poverty, homelessness and addiction, as children living on the e dge of the cities generally use drugs.

Iran: More than 1,000 drug addicts were arrested in one day

Iran: More than 1,000 drug addicts were arrested in one day

A survey carried out by a drug control group has found that about 2.8 million people are regularly consuming drugs in the country.
The head of a working group on drugs in the Expediency Council, Saeed Safatian, told the official IRNA news agency that the number of drug users might be even higher.

The majority of Iran’s at least 14 million drug users drug users are young men and women. The average age of addiction in Iran has dropped to 13, according to reports published by state media.    However, there are numerous reports of children as young as 3 and 4 who start using drugs along with their addicted parents, and an increasing number of infants who are born with drug addiction.

Disappointingly, the Iranian regime has no short or long-term plans to contain the unbridled spread of addiction especially among the young populace.

Experts argue that easy access to cheap narcotic drugs has contributed to the horrific number of drug addicts in Iran. It is common knowledge that narcotics can be purchased much easier than a loaf of bread.

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