Monday, July 17, 2017

THREAT: Rudy Giuliani issued a stark warning about Iran. Mr Giuliani said: “Iran is our biggest enemy, Iran is our fiercest enemy. It is the greatest danger to freedom in the world. “Our long term danger is Iran.

 “Our long term danger is Iran.

“Our long term danger is Iran.

Mr Giuliani was attending a rally in Paris organised by the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI), which is the largest and most active opposition movement to the regime.

The Paris-based group supports a totally secular political system in the hardline Islamic country.

Iran [is] a bigger threat than North Korea, it is expanding into an empire. North Korea is contained.

“They have more technological capability and they have what is truly an insane regime.
“In North Korea, we’re not sure about Kim Jong-un and we do have the hope that China can contain him.

Last year, Europe and the United States, under President Barack Obama, lifted sanctions – including oil and financial penalties – placed on the country over its expanding nuclear programme.

They also unfroze approximately $100billion of its assets after inspectors said crucial parts of its nuclear capabilities had been dismantled – something the PMOI claims is a lie.
Urging the reintroduction of sanctions, Mr Giuliani said the US has the power to tighten the noose around the regime.

He said that because three-quarters of substantial global trade is done via American banks, Iran could be squeezed financially to such an extent it would spark major unrest in the country.

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