Saturday, June 24, 2017

than supporting the Iranian people and their resistance to realize regime change in Tehran.

 Iranians gather in Paris to mark the anniversary of the Day of Martyrs and Political Prisoners in Iran

Iranians gather in Paris to mark the anniversary of the Day of Martyrs and Political Prisoners in Iran

CLARION Project, June 22, 2017 - United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson responded to a variety of very serious questions raised by House of Representatives members in a recent hearing focusing on U.S. policy vis-à-vis Iran. 

Representative Ted Poe (R) from Texas touched on what many believe is the ultimate issue when he said:
“I’d like to know what the policy is of the U.S.

 toward Iran. Do we support the current regime? Do we support a philosophy of regime change, peaceful regime change? There are Iranians in exile all over the world.

 Some are here. And then there’s Iranians in Iran who don’t support the totalitarian state. 

So is the U.S. position to leave things as they are or set up a peaceful, long-term regime change?”
America’s top diplomat, taking into consideration how the Trump administration’s all-out Iran policy remains an issue of evaluation, answered:
“… our Iranian policy is under development.

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