Friday, May 12, 2017

Video: Hanging a huge banner of the opposition leader "Maryam Rajavi is our choice" in Iran

 Hanging the banner of Maryam Rajavi from Tajrish Bridge

Hanging the banner of Maryam Rajavi from Tajrish Bridge

May, 11, 2017- Iranian activists and supporters of the People's Mojahedin (PMOI/MEK) have started to hang banners and post leaflets in the capital city Tehran and other major cities in Iran, one week ahead of the May 19th sham presidential elections in Iran.

Since the beginning of May, the number of protest activities and poster exhibitions set up around the country has reached 966 acts which includes hanging posters from major overpasses and buildings in pubic and crowded streets.

Activists have been posting ' Maryam Rajavi 's posters' and the slogan of 'NO to charlatan, No to executioner, our choice for president is Maryam Rajavi.'

these activities in some of the major cities include in:
Karaj (northwestern Tehran): hanging a large banner of Maryam Rajavi from the main overpass in the city
Tehran (Tajrish bridge): hanging the banner of Maryam Rajavi from Tajrish Bridge. Also distributing the posters of Iranian Resistance President elect, Maryam Rajavi.

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