Friday, April 28, 2017

- On Tuesday April 25, furious people of the city of Behshar Iran, whom their savings were plundered by a state - owned company called Caspian, set a branch of this company on fire.

 Iran: Protesters Set Fire on a Regime - Owned Company

Iran: Protesters Set Fire on a Regime - Owned Company

This company which has eight sub-companies under the guise of ‘cooperative entities’, had collected small capitals of 2 million people in various cities and looted it all.

One of these entities called ‘Fereshtegan’ alone, has plundered around 4 Billion Tomans (more than one Billion and 66 Million dollars).

All these companies belong to regime’s authorities and in order to concentrate power. 

Their foundation and activities are all sponsored by government institutions.

 Caspian Company is also one of them which was founded under the authorization of Central Bank, and now is refusing to turn back the people’s savings, and to this date, the complaint of these poor plundered people has received no response from the regime’s judicial 

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