Wednesday, November 23, 2016

MaryamRajavi: under the of religion mullahs established a fascist regime which inspires Daesh and Boko Haram

MaryamRajavi is the Iranian's people's hope to smile again

MaryamRajavi is the Iranian's people's hope to smile again

-InIran repression and export of terror increases whenever there is no int. pressure
No2Rouhani StopExecutionsIran Syria

-Iran ian regime must be pressured on humanrights violations&compelled2
StopExecutionsIran&free political prisoners

-We demand D int'l community 2stand by Iran ian people &Resistance in their struggle
against epicenter of extremism, D Iranian regime

Iran's regime is responsible for the massacre of the people of Syria.No2Rouhani

MaryamRajavi: under the of religion mullahs established a fascist regime which
inspires Daesh and Boko Haram

Regime ruling Iran exports terrorism extrimism&war2 neighbour countries,
MaryamRajavi extends lvoe2

A man is as great as D dreams he dreams,our dream if peacefreedom4Iran IranFreedom
With MaryamRajavi

MaryamRajavi is the Iranian's people's hope to smile again

We must &we can have Peace &freedom. These are profound &basic needs of every
progressive nation

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