Saturday, October 29, 2016

Iranians# demonstrate to condemn# human rights violations# in Iran#

Iranians demonstrate carrying portraits of those killed in Oct. 28, 2015 missile attacks in Camp Liberty, Iraq

Iranians demonstrate carrying portraits of those killed in Oct. 28, 2015 missile attacks in Camp Liberty, Iraq

The Meda Express, Oct. 29, 2016 - At the request of the Committee for Human Rights in Iran, a meeting was organized near the Quai d’Orsay and the National Assembly at Places des Invalids against the continued use of executions by Iran and to seek justice for victims of prisons massacres in Iran.

This meeting, which includes the families of victims of execution and ex-political prisoners from Iran, will take place Wednesday afternoon.
Both public personalities and government deputies encouraged the demonstrators, who commemorate both the victims of the latest deadly attack against Camp Liberty in October 2015, which killed 24 PMOI members including Hossein Abrishamchi, brother of the president of the Peace Commission of the NCRI , Mehdi Abrishamchi
Socialist Party deputy Pascal Terrasse underlined that “open and international investigations of the situation of political prisoners in Iran must be taken, both before and after the events of 1988”.

See the original link

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