Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bezan, Kent Celebrate Final Transfer of Refugees from #Camp Liberty#

James Bezan, Official Opposition Critic to National Defense and Peter Kent, Official Opposition Critic to foreign affairs

James Bezan, Official Opposition Critic to National Defense and Peter Kent, Official Opposition Critic to foreign affairs

OTTAWA, The Asian Connections, September 13, 2016 – James Bezan, Official Opposition Critic to National Defense and Peter Kent, Official Opposition Critic to foreign affairs issued the following statement regarding the transfer of the remaining refugees from Camp Liberty:
“We are pleased to hear about the final transfer of refugees from Camp Liberty to Albania. Camp Liberty is located in Iraq and its residents were previously transferred from Camp Ashraf were they continually came under attack from both Iraqi and Iranian forces.
“This week’s news brings an end to a long journey and campaign to ensure that the members of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran or MEK were treated with dignity, respect, and had their basic human rights protected. It is our hope that these individuals will be able to live long and fulfilling lives without the fear of reprisal by the dictatorial regime of Iran.
“Members of the Iranian opposition played a central role in producing a positive solution for the residents of ‎Camp Liberty. Those struggling to bring change, democracy, and human rights to Iran were able to draw international attention to the persecution faced by the residents of Camp Liberty and were able to build a coalition of nations, including Canada, who supported their efforts. 

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