Friday, December 30, 2016

Khamenei that his philosophy of Islam! Many poor people are They have no shelter other than the grave

Homeless Iranians live in unused graves
Homeless Iranians live in unused graves

They have no shelter other than the grave

Khamenei is all the money the nation's population share
The murder and terrorism charges.

The majority of the Iranian people
The Supreme Leader of hate

People want to change this rule are

Iran will have a democratic and legitimate!

Another crime and trample down
Rights of the people is enough

The imprisonment and execution Enough

Their breath reached people in their larynx

2017 should be the year regime change in Iran

This is the will of the majority of the people of Iran

All capital and money and oil
War and has spent Trvrsm

The anti-human mullahs
To historic cemetery
Go and end rule

The Iranian people have the right to
The space they live in a democracy

The right to equality and the right to have

The other in 2017
Azgvr should be used for sleep

The share of people should not be spent on war and terrorism.

Hassan Rouhani is a fox deceived work

Can no longer deceive people

Ling Read more

Thursday, December 29, 2016

One of the many homeless dwellers in a cemetery in the town of Shahriar, near Iran’s capital Tehran.

Images of homeless sleeping in cemetery shock Iran

Images of homeless sleeping in cemetery shock Iran

Unemployment is fairly high in Iran, not to mention that
its currency has fallen drastically against the U.S. dollar
leaving many citizens in dire situations.

In one of the images published this week, a grime-streaked
man rises out of a grave, smoke from a fire providing
warmth inside rising around him. Others gather for warmth,

One of the many homeless dwellers in a cemetery in the town
of Shahriar, near Irans capital Tehran.

Homeless people spending their nights in empty graves outs
ide Iran’s capita.

The photographs only highlighted the never-ending economic
struggles that hunt Iranians today. Some of those who lived
in the graves had done so for 10 years, according to the

The story and the haunting images of the homeless staring
into the camera from inside the unused grave slots spread
quickly on social media, where users and celebrities
reacted with expressions of alarm and sadness.

Read more on the Ling

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

No mullah Iran, is the will of the people, Protests in Iran, not to the government

Sugercane factory workers on strike

Sugercane factory workers on strike

Iran: Protest gathering by the 'Haft Tappeh' sugarcane
factory workers in Khuzestan.

Sugercane factory workers on strike

The Roaring nationwide student

Sugarcane cutters in Haft Tappeh staged their second protest
on Saturday, December 24, against nonpayment of their
The workers, who had staged a similar protest on Thursday,
December 22, demanded payment of their salaries and other
dues based on work laws, and signing of a clear contract by
this company.
“The Haft Tappeh sugarcane company has only paid a small
portion of the salaries of its sugarcane cutters, who work
under extremely difficult conditions”, said the protesting

An Iran without the Shiite ruling clerics, and without the mullahs and ayatollahs in power, will reverberate domestically, regionally and globally. It will not only impact the domestic and socio-political dynamics of Tehran but will significantly influence Iran-Arabs, Iran-Israel, Iran-US, Iran-Russia, Iran-China relationships affecting the regional and global balance of powers.

Read more on the Ling

Monday, December 26, 2016

Why not responded to the demands of the hunger strikers in prisons Khamenei?!.

Iran political prisoners on hunger strike in critical  condition

Iran political prisoners on hunger strike in critical

Iran political prisoners on hunger strike in critical

London, Iran focus, 24 Dec - On Thursday December 22nd 2016,
the political prisoner Arash Sadeghi is on hunger strike for
the continuous 60 days. At the night of 21st December 2016,
due to his critical condition, he was transferred to the
infirmary outside the prison to inject IV.
In the past days, due to the increased concentration of
blood, the doctors expressed their concern regarding the
risk of myocardial infarction as well as dangerous condition
for the political prisoner.
On the 60th day of hunger strike, Arash Sadeghi is suffering
from kidney and gastric problems, coughing up with blood
clots, severe weight loss (19kg) and insomnia.

The brother of Morteza Moradpour expressed his deep concern
regarding the health condition of his brother on the 59th
day of his hunger strike and stressed that if anything bad
happens to his brother, the judicial authorities are the

He added:'Morteza also stressed that he will not retreat
from his vows of death or freedom unless the judiciary
implements the article 134 of the law as well as his
Morteza Moradpour is on hunger strike since 25th of October

Ling Read more

Saturday, December 24, 2016

The birth of Jesus, the prophet of love and freedom Happy

The first words of Jesus after his birth:

The first words of Jesus after his birth:

The first words of Jesus after his birth:

Bremen Hello, I Khzadh day, the day I die and the day I am raised up again.

Jesus Christ is the heavenly message that message of freedom and a message of hope and brightness brothers

His companions and his followers, dedication Bhfdakary
Calls for freedom, peace and justice, saying:

Everyone remembered my name, home or
Brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands left, will hundredfold
And will inherit eternal life.

Words of Jesus
The Spirit of God is in me, because he hath anointed me to preach the good news to the poor, and sent me to
Broken heart to heal and redemption of captives and sight to the blind, and I preached to
Compaction deliver
Blessed far working for justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "

"He who is greatest among you be the servant of yours and everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles
Is proud to be ...

Ling  continuation

Friday, December 23, 2016

- Morteza Moradpour can no longer walk after 59 days of hunger strike. He is suffering from serious liver and kidney illnesses. He has fainted many times during the past few days and may suffer a heart attack, go into a coma or even lose his life at any moment. He launched his hunger strike protesting being deprived of a fair judicial process in the mullahs’ so-called “courts.”

National Council of Resistance of Iran

National Council of Resistance of Iran

The Iranian Resistance warns of political prisoners currently facing death following long hunger strikes, and calls on all international human rights organizations, especially the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to take urgent and effective action to save their lives. The inhumane mullahs’ regime is depriving these prisoners of their most basic rights, recognized even under the regime’s own laws.
- Amongst the inmates held in ward 8 of Tehran’s Evin Prison Arash Sadeghi is currently in critical condition following a 60-day hunger strike. He has lost 19 kilograms of his weight and suffering from severe physical fatigue, abnormal heart rate, chronic breathing, and kidney and intestinal problems. He was transferred to Evin’s clinic on Wednesday morning, yet returned to the ward due to dire conditions and refusing to receive any serum.

Ling  continuation

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Khamenei is a viper Khtrnak-Khamenei and Qasem Soleimani, the Syrian people are killers

Khamenei is a viper Khtrnak
Khamenei is a viper Khtrnak
Khamenei and Qasem Soleimani, the Syrian people are killers

This Pasdadan criminals should be deported from Syria

Khamenei is a viper Khtrnak
Soleimani’s visit to Syria is viewed as a sign that Iran is not worried about facing repercussions for its continued military presence in Syria in support of embattled leader Bashar al-Assad.

Iran has breached international laws for some time without facing consequences. The Obama administration repeatedly assured Congress it would enforce sanctions on Iran when lawmakers expressed doubt about the viability of the Iran nuclear deal.

The absence of consequences for Irans behavior has paved the way for Hezbollah to stake its own claim in Syria, according to congressional and foreign policy insiders who told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration is working behind the scenes to prevent any new sanctions against Iran

Ling Read more

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Aleppo alone Yigit displaced people is a crime against humanity

Truly man is the difference?

Truly man is the difference?

Vhshanyt velayat-e faqih criminal, anti-human!

Caring and responsible human beings against humanity!

Truly man is the difference?

Or the ephemeral world for power and the right of others to eat and crime?!

Or is it the world of good and evil and human laboratory for recognition of human rights?!

Syria war criminal Bynadgray whether Khamenei is losing or winning?!

The truth must be said that those in Syria blood unjustly shed the innocent people and innocent children, and people were displaced, according to Human Rights loser and a brutal dictator, and the unpopularity in human history have

The winner of this unequal fight rebels in Syria who rushed to the heart to help people and to fight opportunistic criminals.

Aleppo alone Yigit displaced people is a crime against humanity

The state of human rights is to support the Syrian people got up and put an end to this injustice and crime.

This is the demand of all the people of Syria and the Middle East.

The truth always wins

Injustice, crime and injustice is forever destroyed.

Peace be upon those who help the Syrian people rushed in this unequal battle !.
Death to Khamenei dictator Bashar al-Assad of Syria

Read more Ling Turkey

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Homeless and displacement and destruction is enough !.

Rulers fanatical terrorism in Iran and the Middle East, create crime

Rulers fanatical terrorism in Iran and the Middle East, create crime

Fanatical mullah terrorism-

For its own survival،

The whole world ablaze!

Rulers fanatical terrorism in Iran and the Middle East, create crime

Iranian people and the people of the area, want to topple the mullahs are fundamentalists

Killing and war is no longer enough

Homeless and displacement and destruction is enough !.

How long should we see this genocide?!.

Other governments should be watchful for the killings

It is time to act

The cry of the oppressed Reply

Respect for the rights of people !.

Is aware of the desire of all people!

Ling  continuation

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Iran regime says all those who are trapped in Aleppo must be killed

The people of Iran, Iraq and Syria, the mullahs are Byzaz

The people of Iran, Iraq and Syria, the mullahs are Byzaz

Khamenei ordered the killing and crimes every day in Iraq and

Qasem Soleimani, a killer in Iraq and Syria are killing people
and children!
Should be expelled from Syria

The Iranian regime that terrorists and war in the Middle East,
should be ousted

Many countries are calling for the overthrow and change this
medieval regime

The people of Iran, Iraq and Syria, the mullahs are Byzaz

Enough war crimes and KESHAR

Governments with the people of Iran, Iraq and Syria
To change and overthrow the mullahs to help people Mntsqh

If fundamentalist mullahs destroyed,
The world will be at peace!

With Maryam Rajavi to reach freedom and democracy،in Iran

Ling  continuation

Friday, December 16, 2016

Criminal rulers, to kill innocent women and children, for what sins?

 Khamenei criminal record after the massacre of 67 Khomeini.

Khamenei criminal record after the massacre of 67 Khomeini.

Jrsvmhyy the name of Khomeini and his regime as a criminal regime, which the Syrians had such a hand in the genocide before it, and to massacre the people of Syria, the Iranian people and the PMOI was in the blood.

It is also true that today is the same manner in Aleppo innocent blood is shed in the town.

Before the alien regime, with its people and mass graves of these young people Anbashtnd his country, made the grave site

Crimes committed by the mullahs' allies in Aleppo, something like Rwanda and Srebrenica massacre people and at the same stature is!

The medal can mullahs? Forever on their chests and on their Sngqbr, shame it can be registered for your eternal damnation

What is today the mullahs in Aleppo do not never forgotten, never!

Of course, the world will judge, especially when the resident of Aleppo hear a calm voice when he said we were free people, we Bhpakhastym for freedom, we want freedom, freedom!

Iran's history and future children to know, unlike the gang of criminals ruling Iran, Iranians, both the fronts and the oppressed people of Syria.

In the future our children to know his predecessors in the days when the blood of the Syrian people at the hands of the mullahs Iranian Revolutionary Guards fell to the ground, the date on which they were

Yes: History is witness to all oppression and crimes

Finally innocence and truth is victorious.

Ling Read more

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Khamenei asked to be evil and criminal? Do you have the power to kill women and children?

Solution to the war and destruction, Iran is regime change in Iran and the region.
Solution to the war and destruction, Iran is regime change in Iran and the region.

Khamenei asked to be evil and criminal?

Do you have the power to kill women and children?

Which religion is such a decree?

Which religion considers it permissible to power all these crimes?

Why should innocent children and women killed in Aleppo or become homeless?

The perpetrators of these massacres and crimes and Aleppo in Syria should be referred to the criminal court!

his is the will of the people of Iran and Syria

The involvement of the Iranian regime must be disconnected from the Middle East

The presence of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC’s) terrorist Quds Force, in Aleppo, the city that is now facing brutal massacre of its civilians by IRGC and Assad regime, is an undeniable proof of Iranian regime’s criminal involvement in the war torn country.

Solution to the war and destruction, Iran is regime change in Iran and the region.

To continue to see Ling

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Ignoring the catastrophic situation of human rights in Iran by the international community and silence about mass and arbitrary executions has emboldened the religious fascism ruling Iran to continue its crimes. Any deal with this illegitimate regime must be contingent upon a halt to executions.

The Iranian people demand the overthrow of  Iran's religious Fashyt

The Iranian people demand the overthrow of
Iran's religious Fash

Iran: Execution of 10 prisoners to coincide
with International Human Rights Day

Kazem Gharib Abadi, deputy head of the so-
called international human rights unit of the
regime, in support of this barbaric punishment
said: 'In some issues, Westerners want to
impose their statements. For instance they do
not accept the execution of drug dealers and
say because we don’t have execution, others
should not have it either. Is our situation of
human rights worse than other countries that
they put this much pressure? Our principled
position on Country Special Rapporteur on Iran
is that to reject the rapporteur'. (State run
Mehr news agency December

The Iranian people demand the overthrow of
Iran's religious Fashyt

Monday, December 12, 2016

Human rights have been a victim of religious fundamentalist !.

Human rights have been a victim of religious fundamentalist !.
Human rights have been a victim of religious fundamentalist !.

Fanatical mullah terrorism-
For its own survival،
The whole world ablaze!

Rulers fanatical terrorism, Iran and Khamrmyanh, create crime

Iranian people and the people of the area, want to topple the mullahs are fundamentalists

Killing and war is no longer enough

Homeless and displacement and destruction is enough !.

How long should we see this genocide?!.

Other governments should be watchful for the killings

It is time to act

Silence, help the killings, crimes

The cry of the oppressed Reply
Respect for the rights of people !.

Is aware of the desire of all people!

To continue to see Ling

Friday, December 9, 2016

Religious fascists is the most dangerous of governments

Religious fascists is the most dangerous of governments
Religious fascists is the most dangerous of governments

Recognition of the inherent dignity and equal rights of all members of the human family and Antqalnapzyr foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world

 According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international instruments features such as the universality of these rights, inalienable, inalienable, inseparability, non-discrimination and equality, unity and interweaving drill

- Universal and effective respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religious.

When a government violates the basic principle of human rights -Bnabr others do not recognize this government!.

Religious fascists is the most dangerous of governments

To continue to see Ling

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

For my country, Iran, the Human Rights Day is a reminder of the deep scar on my nation's body and soul, with 120,000 executed dissidents and hundreds of thousands of tortured political prisoners.


With at least 5000 prisoners who are presently on the death row and human rights activists and followers of different faiths in prison.
Under the mullahs there is no respect for human rights.
For the world community and the European Union, unfortunately human rights in Iran is a victim of diplomacy and trade.
Under the rule of the Iranian regime every single article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been violated.
The right to life, the right to freedom, the right to security, the right to protection from torture and arbitrary arrests, the right to freedom of religion and faith…
The most horrific page in the record of this regime is the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in only a few months in 1988. This genocide was carried out upon a written edict by Khomeini.
The main perpetrators of this massacre are now among the regime's leaders and senior officials.
In recent months, a growing movement has begun in Iran, demanding accountability and brining those responsible for the massacre to justice.
Last month, the Iranian Resistance made public the names of 110 individuals in charge of making decisions on the executions in Tehran and other provinces.
We also revealed information about 213 officials involved in the massacre in 35 cities, as well as the addresses of a number of secret mass graves in 12 provinces.

To continue to see Ling

Monday, December 5, 2016

Yes, the same rebel spirit and determination that the mullahs, especially on the eve of 16 December worry has

must lead Iran towards freedom, prosperity and equality.
must lead Iran towards freedom, prosperity and equality.

I Nasr Allah and conquered vast - Down with the regime of deception

must lead Iran towards freedom, prosperity and equality.

What is it that these days more than ever, the mullahs running Word "enemy threat" to read?

“If we only take a look back at recent developments, we will realize this truth more than ever before, that the mullahs’ regime is so engulfed in all-out corruption that there is no hope in saving this ill establishment.

[Hmsngran students!] To break occupy the University of pouring stand by attacking Basij and Lbasshkhsyhay Supreme Leader Khamenei and the expulsion and dissolution dealers and gangs Basij at universities, have stood up. "

Yes, the same rebel spirit and determination that the mullahs, especially on the eve of 16 December worry has

Friday, December 2, 2016

Killing innocent people and innocent children in Aleppo, Syria

Killing innocent people and innocent children in Aleppo, Syria

Killing innocent people and innocent children in Aleppo, Syria

What is going on in Aleppo, a crime that is a gross violation of basic norms of human rights and human dignity

the enormous suffering trapped residents of Aleppo are going through as a result of the barbaric assault on the city by the Assad regime

need to deliver urgent humanitarian aid to the civilians trapped in eastern Aleppo.It's an emergency

However, the inability of the United Nations responsible for this terrible crime in Aleppo

As soon as possible to end the war in Syria and Bashar al-Assad and Khamenei case be referred to the International Court of war crimes.

See the original link

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Crimes and destruction How long ؟

This war is cruel
This war is cruel

This regime octopus!must be fired

A fundamental solution to the Iranian regime's ouster from region.

Arabic countries should united against Iran.

Should put an end to the violence and killing in Syria

This war is cruel

To end this war manager

See the original link

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

fundamental solution to the Iranian regime's ouster from region.

The Iranian regime's role in the area is killing aand war
The Iranian regime's role in the area is killing aand war

Iran regime even more oppressive since nuclear deal, dissidents say

The protesters also say the billions of dollars in cash the U.S. shipped to Iran, plus the West’s release of frozen Iranian bank assets, already have been diverted to Iran’s expansionist armies in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.

Every deal, every negotiation with the regime, it means additional gallows in Iran,” says Shabnam Madadzadeh, 29, who gained fame as a student organizer at Tehran’s Tarbiat Moalem University. She spent five harsh years in confinement, including in Iran’s notorious Evin prison, but she did not break.

The international community must be on the side of the Iranian people

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Ahmad Montazeri: If I go to prison Mr. Montazeri’s files may be revealed even sooner

The advocacy movement for the audit of all this cruelty and lawlessness along.
The advocacy movement for the audit of all this cruelty and lawlessness along.

If the words of the leaders of this despotic regime, exposing his crimes blow to national security, we must say that you should say straight blow to his guardianship system is rotten and stinking

The advocacy movement for the audit of all this cruelty and lawlessness along.

Khamenei ordered the executioner issued the decree that only fears the clerical regime to disclose the 1367 massacre of martyrs litigation reveals

Read more
Iran's judiciary, the special branch of 'Special Clerical Court (SCC)' on Sunday, November 27, sentenced Mr. Montazeri's son to Prison and defrocked him, according to Montazeri's website.
Mr. Ahamad Montazeri, son of the late Ayatollah Montazeri was sentenced to 21 years of harsh prison term and was also defrocked for posting his late father's audio tape criticizing the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran.
He has been charged with 'acting against the National Security', 'posting classified documents' and 'Propaganda against the System.'

The advocacy movement for the audit of all this cruelty and lawlessness along the

Monday, November 28, 2016

Mohammadi: I have come from a country whose girls have acid splashed in their faces, whose mothers are left with grief.

My name is Arash Mohammadi. I was only 19 when I was first arrested by the Iranian regime’s intelligence agents.
My name is Arash Mohammadi. I was only 19 when I was first arrested by the Iranian regime’s intelligence agents.

Arash Mohammadi, now 25, who also recently arrived in Europe like Madadzadeh, described how he lived a 'constant nightmare' while in prison
'I can still see the face of a girl who told me she had been raped six times by a guard. It was horrible. My heart broke with her and when I was listening I would just cry because I was in prison and I could do nothing for them.
'I said to myself, you should be the voice of these women, because this the way to support these women and to fight the regime,' she added.

 I have come from a country in which the wage of workers is only the count of lashes they receive.
Arash Mohammadi: I have chosen  follow  , the generation of Massoud Rajavi, and join  army of freedom.....

Friday, November 25, 2016

Women in the Iranian regime because of the veil of ignorance and crime are disciplined and arrested.

Women and Human Rights in Iran

In direct rule of Iran women selling their DomesticViolence Women
Iran's rules oppress women by fundamentalist forces has spread   DomesticViolence
The oppression of women in Iran is a model  fundamentalists in  DomesticViolence
Women's liberation in Iran with MaryamRajavi be achieved tomorrow.

Women in Iran are deprived of basic rights do not communicate with them.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Human rights organizations: UNSecurityCouncil must take action to put an end to abusing of humanrights in Iran & the terrible situation of prisons.

Why nothing is being done to stop the execution and torture in Iran?
Why nothing is being done to stop the execution and torture in Iran?

Human rights organizations

Why nothing is being done to stop the execution and torture in Iran?

do you know:
Business with the mullahs means placing the rope on the neck of the iranian youngsters.

The mullahs regime only survives by hanging people
We want Iran
European authorities! Look at executions in Iran!

I say to appeasement is expensive:
Don´t build the war machines to kill innocent people of Iran and syria by doing business with the mullahs.

Why are the iranian workers who protest against lack of payment whipped?

and also،
The political prisoners on hunger strike in Iran are protesting against the judicial laws of the mullahs and  are facing death threat.

So !:
Don´t supply fuel to the machine that kills the people of middle east by doing business with the mullahs.

Our responsibility،
Efforts to rid the people of Iran....

The law of evolution is closely linked revolutions we are not alone with our mood

Please publish this article, I thank you

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

MaryamRajavi: under the of religion mullahs established a fascist regime which inspires Daesh and Boko Haram

MaryamRajavi is the Iranian's people's hope to smile again

MaryamRajavi is the Iranian's people's hope to smile again

-InIran repression and export of terror increases whenever there is no int. pressure
No2Rouhani StopExecutionsIran Syria

-Iran ian regime must be pressured on humanrights violations&compelled2
StopExecutionsIran&free political prisoners

-We demand D int'l community 2stand by Iran ian people &Resistance in their struggle
against epicenter of extremism, D Iranian regime

Iran's regime is responsible for the massacre of the people of Syria.No2Rouhani

MaryamRajavi: under the of religion mullahs established a fascist regime which
inspires Daesh and Boko Haram

Regime ruling Iran exports terrorism extrimism&war2 neighbour countries,
MaryamRajavi extends lvoe2

A man is as great as D dreams he dreams,our dream if peacefreedom4Iran IranFreedom
With MaryamRajavi

MaryamRajavi is the Iranian's people's hope to smile again

We must &we can have Peace &freedom. These are profound &basic needs of every
progressive nation

Monday, November 21, 2016

-In Iran repression and export of terror increases whenever there is no int. pressure No2Rouhani StopExecutionsIran Syria

Iran regime is one of the world’s last executioners of minors
Iran regime is one of the world’s last executioners of minors

Iranian communities, supporters of National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ) and human rights activists in London protested against the increasing number of executions and public hangings in Iran at a major rally in Trafalgar Square on Saturday, November 19.

Anglo-Iranian Associations from all over the UK also highlighted past and ongoing atrocities committed by the Iranian regime with street performance and theatre, including the massacre of political prisoners in Iran during the summer of 1988, when some 30,000 political prisoners, activists of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), were executed and buried secretly in mass graves following a fatwa decreed by the Islamic Republic's founder Ayatollah Khomeini. The officials responsible for the massacre currently hold some of the highest positions in the regime
Iran regime is one of the world’s last executioners of minors

See the original link

Friday, November 18, 2016

Execution is Iran’s red line

Iran broadcasting forced confessions to justify mass executions

Iran broadcasting forced confessions to justify mass executions

By Pejman Amiri  -  On November 12 and 14, six prisoners were hanged in Orumieh prison, North West of Iran, and three prisoners were hanged in Rasht prison, north of Iran. The number of executions recorded in the first two weeks of November amounts to 37 people. Iranian regime has been executing its citizen for the last 37 years under different pretexts. Based on a U.N. statement, Iran had the world’s highest execution rate per capita last year. The statement says that in 2015 alone, at least 966 people were executed.
In negotiation between the European Union and Iran concerning the formation of an office for EU in Tehran, the issue of Human Rights was raised.
On November 11, in an interview with ILNA, state news agency, Majid Takhte Ravanchi, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister, and Iran’s representative in the talks with the EU said: "Execution is a red line for the regime and cannot be put aside."
On November 14, regarding the same issue, Larijani, the head of Iranian regime’s judiciary, also said: European Union must "know that their remarks about rejection of Qessas (retaliation) and execution denies our people's rights."

Amnesty: Iran executing Sunni men after forced confessions

Middle East Monitor, 17 Nov. 2016-  A major international human rights organisation has accused Iran today of “boasting of mass killing” after the Iranian regime repeatedly broadcast the mass execution of 25 Sunni Kurdish-Iranian men that occurred last August.
Amnesty International said that the Iranian authorities were “broadcasting injustice” after they put the Kurdish men to death, and forced them to participate in “confession” videos that Amnesty says was designed to “dehumanise” the men.

See the original link